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Win a $25 voucher to spend in ThemeForest

Enter a competition where you can win an instant $25 to spend in the marvelous new ThemeForest. Right here on Astute Photo!

ThemeForest is a brand new marketplace for buying and selling website templates and CMS themes for all sorts of products, including WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.

Guised under the Envato umbrella, ThemeForest is destined to become one of the very best places to find all things “themey” (to use their terminology).

I recently got in touch with Collis (one of the founders) about covering his ThemeForest’s launch. He was nice enough to offer me a $25 voucher to give away to Astute Photo readers (in US currency).

I decided to host a competition to determine the winner of this voucher.

The Competition

I’ll pick a winner based on the best suggestion they can offer to help me improve Astute Photo. I have a special Suggestion Box set up just for this.

How To Enter

  1. Go through the blog and its articles
  2. Think up a suggestion
  3. Add a comment in the Suggestion Box, clearly stating that it’s an entry for this competition.

For me to count your suggestion, simply copy-and-paste this somewhere in your suggestion-comment:

Entry for ThemeForest competition: Best Suggestion

In more Detail

Here are the same steps in more detail, including some helpful tips

  1. Go through the blog
    1. Read a few articles and establish the type of posts I like to write about (got any great article ideas?)
    2. Look at the design:
      1. Form (how is it aesthetically?)
      2. Function (is the site functional?)
  2. Think up a suggestion
    1. Think about exactly what you would like to suggest (pin it down, don’t be vague)
  3. Write it in the Suggestion Box
    1. You have to submit it via a comment.
    2. Word it carefully, so that you leave me in no doubt what your suggestion is about.
    3. Make sure to mention the magic 6 words: “Entry for ThemeForest competition: Best Suggestion

What are the Rules?

There aren’t a lot of rules to follow. Just these:

  1. You have to write any entries for this competition in the Suggestion Box. I cannot accept entries to the competition anywhere else, not even in this very post.
  2. In order for your suggestion to be counted, you need to include this somewhere in your comment:
    Entry for ThemeForest competition: Best Suggestion
  3. You may make more than one suggestion. No limits on the amount of suggestions.
  4. Please sign the comment with your full name, and include some way I can contact you. Sadly Blogger doesn’t allow you to post your email address so it’s up to you. You can, for example, list your Twitter, WordPress, TypePad, AIM, LiveJournal, or your Google accounts.

Get suggesting now! Visit the Suggestion Box and leave a comment!

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